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Vol. 1: Humility, Absolute Surrender, Abide in Christ

Absolute surrender Abide in Christ

We’re excited to announce a new series that brings you the best of Andrew Murray in affordable paperback editions. This first volume includes Murray’s most popular and sought after works which have helped millions in their walk with God.

1. Humility (The Beauty of Holiness)
2. Absolute surrender (The key to Fruitfulness)
3. Abide in Christ (The Blessed life of Fellowship)

Do you want to know God’s presence on a daily basis? Do you want to walk in fruitfulness in your Christian life? Do you need a fresh touch of God’s power each and every day? If so, then this book is for you! These powerful works by Andrew Murray will strengthen your faith, help you live more like Jesus, and show you how to experience his presence throughout your daily life!

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Vol. 2: With Christ in the School of Prayer, The School of Obedience, The Will of God.

The Works of Andrew Murray, Vol 2: The School of Prayer, The School of Obedience, The Will of God

Have you ever found prayer difficult? Or have you ever wondered what God’s will is for your life? Do you want to walk in the full blessing and favor of God? If so, then this volume of classics is for you! Andrew Murray answers each of these questions – and more – with powerful, biblical truth that will help transform your life! His enduring classic “The School of Prayer” will guide you day-by-day into deeper fellowship and power with God. “The School of Obedience” reveals the keys to blessing when we walk in the will of God. As Murray says, the book is about “the inconceivable blessedness of a life of true and entire obedience to our Father in heaven.” But how do you know the will of God? In the final book in this volume, “The Will of God” the author takes you on a month-long journey to discovering God’s will for your life.

1. With Christ in the School of Prayer (“Thoughts on Our Training for the Ministry of Intercession)
2. The School of Obedience (“The Secret of Blessing”)
3. The Will of God (also known as “Thy Will be Done”; or “God’s Will Our Dwelling Place”)

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Vol. 3: Like Christ, Holy in Christ, The Cross of Christ

The Works of Andrew Murray, Vol 3: Like Christ, Holy in Christ, The Cross of Christ

The third volume of Andrew Murray books contains:

 1. Like Christ: Thoughts on the Blessed Life of Conformity to the Son of God [Sequel to Abide in Christ].
 2. Holy in Christ: Thoughts on the Calling of God’s Children to be Holy as He is Holy
 3. The Cross of Christ: Thoughts on the Blessing and Glory of the Cross 

These works will strengthen your faith and help you grow in your understanding of how to live like Jesus and be more like Him. “Like Christ” is a sequel to his best-selling “Abide in Christ” and brings the reader to the next level in their Christian walk: not just abiding in Him, but becoming more like Him! This includes becoming holy as He is, which, as Murray points out in “Holy in Christ,” is actually the key to joy and true happiness as a believer. All of this is because of the work of Christ on the Cross, as Murray shares in the short but profound work on “The Cross of Christ.” With easy-to-read chapters for each day of the month Murray will guide you step-by-step to greater intimacy with Christ and teach you how to walk in His presence and power!

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Vol. 4: The Spiritual Life, The Deeper Life, The Prayer Life

Andrew Murray volume 4: Spiritual Life, Deeper Life, Prayer Life

The fourth volume of Andrew Murray books contains:

1. The Spiritual Life
2. The Deeper Life
3. The Prayer Life

Do you want to grow in your Christian walk? Have you struggled to go deeper in God? In these powerful and insightful books, renowned author Andrew Murray teaches the way to grow in God and overcome mediocrity as a Christian.
In his own words, “Throughout the church of Christ there is a universal complaint of the feebleness of the Christian life, and there are tens of thousands of souls longing to know how to lead a better life. They find in God’s word promises of perfect peace, of a faith that overcomes the world, of a joy that is unspeakable, of a life of ever abiding communion with Christ, hidden in the hollow of God’s hand, and in the secret of his pavilion. But alas, thousands say they know not how to obtain it. So this is our one object: to try and find out what are the possibilities of the Christian life as God Has revealed them in His word, what are the hindrances that keep the majority of believers out of that life, and what are the steps by which to come in and take possession of it.”
Do you want to know that peace, joy and communion that Murray speaks of? Then take some time and let Murray guide you to the path of growth, blessing and fulfillment that you’ve always been looking for!

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Vol. 5: The Spirit of Christ, The Full Blessing of Pentecost, Back to Pentecost

Andrew Murray Spirit of Christ, Blessing of Pentecost, Back to Pentecost

Do you long to know more about the Holy Spirit? Have you ever wondered about who the Spirit of God is, or what it means to be full of the Spirit? How do you walk in the power of the Spirit? If you have ever asked these kind of questions then this book is for you! With his deep wisdom and Biblical insight, Andrew Murray shares about who the Holy Spirit is, what he does, and how He glorifies Christ. This special three-in-one book also includes his important writings on the need for the Holy Spirit’s power in our lives and the urgency for believers to have their own “Pentecost” experience. Of special interest in this collection is “Back to Pentecost,” which was Murray’s last book ever written – and a very rare and hard to find title – where he urges the church to return to its Pentecostal roots. You’ll be challenged, strengthened and inspired by this fantastic collection on the person and work of the Holy Spirit! 

1. The Spirit of Christ Thoughts on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the believer and the Church
2. The Full Blessing of Pentecost: The One Thing Needful
3. Back to Pentecost: The Promise of the Father

Get Volume 5 of Andrew Murray’s works on Amazon.


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Vol. 6: The Key to the Missionary Problem, The State of the Church, The Supreme Need

Andrew Murray Missionary Problem, State of Church Supreme Need

Does your church or organization struggle to send missionaries? Or have you ever wrestled with the desire to be a missionary? Are you discouraged by declining church attendance and long for a new wave of church growth?
If you’ve ever wondered these things, you’re not alone. Though written almost one hundred years ago, Andrew Murray tackles these questions head-on and gives powerful answers that are just as relevant today as when they were first written. “The Key to the Missionary Problem” is Murray’s insightful look at why there is a decline in missions giving and sending…and what can be done to change it. “The State of the Church” looks at the crisis of declining church membership and lack of passion for Jesus. But he doesn’t stop there – Murray goes on to show how the church can be revived and move in power once again! And in the rare booklet “The Supreme Need” he looks at what hinders us from growth and how we can be dynamic and fruitful in our Christian lives.

1. The Key to the Missionary Problem
2. The State of the Church
3. The Supreme Need

Get Volume 6 of Andrew Murray’s works on Amazon.

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  • Volume 7
  • Volume 8

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